Ladder bux Store

Ladder bux Store

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Posted by auggieaz3015 () (Ranked 170 on HOUSEOFMANYGAMES (Pogo) Ladder) on July 01, 2010 at 19:39:04:

I am very disappointed with the amount and value of any of the items available in the store (redeem your ladder bux) I check back ofter and it is depressing every time. There is noting of value for all the bux I have which is over 600,000. I upgraded to diamond in order to get to this amount hoping I could get something really cool. I have seen things like watches and such, but now you only have a TOTE bag with that (excuse me) ugly Cases trademark on it. I can a tote bag for a buck at the local supermarket. I was lucky enough one time to find some very nice earrings and they were much nicer than expected. Why dont you replace a sold out item with another "expensive" one? I dont understand why a company as large and profitable cant do a bigger store (more selections and inventory) for the amt of $$$ we pay to be Diamond? or Platinum? Pogo gives away t-shirts, caps & mugs frequently, as well as cash! come on guys, I am tired of waiting for a cool item I can trade in my bux for. I just thought I would sound-off about my dismay before I cancel the Diamond membership.

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