In Reply to: Auto Update posted by Aimee () on April 05, 2014 at 21:44:03:
I do apologise for the inconvenience.
The programmers have investigated the issue and their comments are -
" Since the auto update is a javascript code change, TDs and users may need
to do a hard refresh (shift + F5) a few times since browsers always cache
javascript. "
Would you please try this and it should resolve the problem for you. Once you have done this it should work correctly.
If it does not please submit a new mail and we will get them to revisit.
Again I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience.
If you have any additional questions or problems please use the "Get Support" link on your Admin menu and we will be happy to assist you.
MyLeague Support
: Before Cases did maintenance this last time, the teams/check-in page had an auto update which was very convenient and helpful for tds and players. It's no longer on the link. I've had several players ask if the auto update can be put back on and I assured them I would ask. Is there any way you can put that back on the teams/check-in page?