Top 5 Play - Rank Defense Game -(RDG) [Risk (Zone)]
Risk (Zone) - Fri Feb 14 18:03:54 2003
Do you want to Change this rule?

Top 5 Play - Rank Defense Game -(RDG)

Top 5 Players must play the person directly under them in a 7 day span or be dropped 10 rungs The penalty is automatic. Draws no longer satisfy the RDG.

Proposed Change:
Top 5 Play - Rank Defense Game -(RDG)

Top 5 Players must play the person directly under them in a 7 day span or be dropped 10 rungs The penalty is automatic. Draws no longer satisfy the RDG.

As RDG's are mandatory, all prearranged RDG game opponents will be allowed to wait 10 minutes for their opponent to enter lobby to play without having to accept challenges. Player(s) must state that they are waiting for RDG opponent and send a copy of the email for all prearranged games to any member of the LadderOp Team.

RDG's will hold 2nd priority after Formal Challenges over lobby Challenges.

- Yes - Change the rule27 votes (72%)
- No - Keep the original rule10 votes (27%)