Frequently Asked Questions
  • Cheating, etc. (4)
    1. There is more than one person playing from my house. How can I make sure we aren't mistaken for multiple accounts?
    2. I can't seem to get my match report through. Can I have someone else report it for me?
    3. I stayed at a Ladder members house for one day last month while traveling and now we get a security violation when we try to play each other?
    4. How can I get a refund for my Gold, Platinum, or Diamond account if I was kicked off for rule violations?
  • Formal Challenge System (5)
    1. Where can I read an overview of the Formal Challenge System?
    2. How come the Formal Challenge System doesn't work on my Ladder?
    3. The news said I failed my formal challenge, but I didn't. What can I do?
    4. What is the difference between a regular match and a formal challenge?
    5. Do Formal Challenges take priority over all others?
  • Getting Started (7)
    1. Is it really free to be on Case's Ladder?
    2. What kind of computer do I need to play games over the Internet?
    3. What kind of Internet connection do I need to play games over the Internet?
    4. Where do I find people to play matches against?
    5. How do I know which Ladder to join?
    6. Do I need anything special to join Case's Ladder?
    7. Where do I play the games?
  • Hall of Fame (6)
    1. What is the Hall of Fame?
    2. How often is the Hall of Fame updated?
    3. How do I get into the Hall of Fame?
    4. What happens if I leave the Ladder?
    5. Do I win anything for being in the Hall of Fame?
    6. I have a suggestion for a Hall of Fame category. Where should I send it?
  • LadderBux (5)
    1. Where can I see what prizes are available to purchase with my LadderBux?
    2. Is there somewhere I can look to see who has redeemed LadderBux recently and for what?
    3. Do I have to be a premium member to redeem my LadderBux for prizes?
    4. I ordered something from the LadderBux store quite awhile ago and still haven't received it. What can I do?
    5. What are LadderBux?
  • LadderOps (6)
    1. What is a LadderOp?
    2. Where can I see a current list of the LadderOps?
    3. What do I do if I have a problem with a LadderOp?
    4. What is the difference between a LadderOp, a LeadOp, and an OpManager?
    5. How can I apply to become a LadderOp?
    6. I was impressed with a LadderOp recently. How can I let you know?
  • Ladder Account Questions (8)
    1. How do I remove myself from the Ladder?
    2. I can't find myself on the Ladder. What happened to my account?
    3. Can I rejoin the ladder if I was deleted or withdrew?
    4. Can I have more than one Ladder account?
    5. Can my brother/friend/dog have an account on the Ladder also?
    6. How do I get my password if I can't remember it?
    7. What happened to my streak?
    8. Will I be removed if I don't play?
  • Live Support (1)
    1. Does Case's Ladder offer online live support?
  • Match Related Questions (12)
    1. Can I play anyone if I am unranked?
    2. Can I play the same person as much as I want?
    3. Are modem games allowed?
    4. My opponent changed game settings just as the game started. Should I report the loss?
    5. I need to post my win. Where do I do this?
    6. If we can not agree on what map or settings to play with what do we do?
    7. The person I was playing was cheating. What should I do?
    8. The person I was playing disconnected! What should I do?
    9. How do I report a loss?
    10. What is Rate of Play (ROP)?
    11. How is Rate of Play (ROP) calculated?
    12. What should I do if someone does not report a match?
  • Miscellaneous (9)
    1. I'm having problems playing the games. What should I do?
    2. I have a homepage. Can I include a link to Case's Ladder?
    3. How can I work for Case's Ladder?
    4. I want to run my own Ladder. Where can I get the program?
    5. What is the voting booth?
    6. I have a suggestion for the Ladder. Where do I send it?
    7. Where can I send compliments about your service?
    8. Does Case's Ladder ever sponsor live events?
    9. I'm receiving an error when I try to post a message in the forum. What should I do?
  • MyLeagues (4)
    1. What is the difference between a Case's Ladder and a MyLeague?
    2. What do I do if I'm having a problem on a MyLeague?
    3. What can I do if I was penalized on a MyLeague and it wasn't fair?
    4. How can I create my own MyLeague?
  • Penalty Box (7)
    1. What is the penalty box?
    2. How do I get out of the penalty box?
    3. Can I play on other Ladders while in the penalty box on one?
    4. What does 'in the penalty box for three days' mean?
    5. How come my rank dropped while I was in the penalty box?
    6. How do I appeal the decision to put me in the penalty box?
    7. Can I sign up a second account to play with while I'm in the penalty box?
  • Premium Memberships (27)
    1. What is a premium membership?
    2. Can I order a premium membership over the telephone?
    3. Can I purchase a premium membership for a friend?
    4. Can I order a premium membership through postal mail?
    5. Can I order a premium membership using my credit card?
    6. Can I order a premium membership using an online check?
    7. I purchased a membership and I have my receipt. Why doesn't it show on my account?
    8. I have a monthly subscription. How do I change my billing information?
    9. Why isn't my Instant Match Notification working?
    10. How do I put images or sounds on my Premium membership page?
    11. Can I transfer my Gold membership from one Ladder to another?
    12. I'm a Gold member. Do I get a discount if I upgrade to Platinum or Diamond membership?
    13. Can I add more Ladders to my premium membership?
    14. How do I add other Ladders to my Platinum or Diamond membership?
    15. Can I add a friend or relative to my Platinum or Diamond membership?
    16. How do I move LadderBux?
    17. How can I gift a Gold membership to another user with my LadderBux?
    18. How do I create a User Homepage?
    19. How can I disable the Ads on the site?
    20. How do I customize my Tournament Player Card?
    21. Can I get a list of each day’s tournaments sent to me via E-mail?
    22. I don’t want others to know which ladders I belong to, can I hide this information from my Diamond summary?
    23. How do I create an E-mail address?
    24. How can I remove a Ladder or League from my Platinum or Diamond membership?
    25. How do I use the priority support I am entitled to as a premium member?
    26. I'm not playing much these days. Can I give my premium membership to a friend?
    27. How can I gift LadderBux to another user?
  • Ranking and Skill Rating (3)
    1. Why does my rank drop even when I win?
    2. Why did my rank drop so far when I took time off from playing?
    3. How does the skill rating work?
  • Reporting Problems (4)
    1. I get a Security Error when trying to report a match. Why?
    2. I lost a match but I cannot find the person on the Ladder. What should I do?
    3. How can I find out if someone reported my win?
    4. I was trying to report a win, but I got a loss. Why?
  • Sign-Up and Activation Issues (5)
    1. Why do I have to give my e-mail address?
    2. Can I use a free e-mail service for my Case's Ladder account so I can keep my real e-mail address private?
    3. I didn't receive my activation key. Why?
    4. I signed up on the Ladder first and now the name I used isn't available on my gaming service. What can I do?
    5. Does my Ladder name have to match the name I play my games under?
  • Team Ladder Issues (5)
    1. How can I join an existing team?
    2. Can I be on more than one team at once?
    3. How can I add or remove team members?
    4. How can I edit my team's information?
    5. How can I start my own team?
  • Tournament Directors (TDs) (6)
    1. Do TD's get paid for hosting tournaments?
    2. What is a TD?
    3. What is a Head TD?
    4. What is a TD Manager?
    5. I applied to become a TD and was told I am on the waiting list?
    6. How can I become a Tournament Director?
  • Tournaments (16)
    1. What is a tournament?
    2. How can I find out what tournaments are available on my Ladder?
    3. How do I sign up for a team tournament?
    4. How do I sign up for a one-vs-one tournament?
    5. How are tournament matches reported?
    6. What time should I show up to play in a tournament?
    7. How do I figure out where the tournament is being played?
    8. What is a LadderStats tournament?
    9. What is a Double Elimination tournament?
    10. What is a Swiss System tournament?
    11. How can I figure out what time it will be in my time zone when a tournament starts?
    12. Is there an easy way to figure out how many LadderBux I can win in a tournament?
    13. The tournament I was playing in was cancelled. How can I get my LadderBux back?
    14. I had a problem with my opponent in a tournament match. Who should I contact?
    15. What do I do if standings won't load?
    16. I am having problems reporting a tournament loss. What can I do?

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