Should the following regarding Substitutes in regular Ladder play be added to the Game Specific Rules?
Spades ( - Thu Oct 18 09:04:43 2001
The use of Substitute players shall be allowed when one of the participants of a match in progress has been absent from the gaming lobby for at least ten minutes for any reason.The Substitute will not be responsible for reporting any losses to the Ladder as a result of the outcome of the match, since they are performing a favor and should not be penalized for that.If either team has a score of 250 or higher at the time the Sub joins the game then the Substitute will simply be standing in for the missing player, and that missing player will receive credit if their team ends up winning the match. In this case, if the team the Sub is on wins the match then the losing team should report their losses to the ORIGINAL player and NOT to the Sub.If both teams have a score of less than 250 at the time the Sub joins the game and the team the Sub is on ends up winning the match then the losing team should report their losses to the Sub and NOT to the original player who the Sub is standing in for.
Yes57 votes (69%)
No25 votes (30%)