Case's Ladder User Homepage Guide
 - File Manager -

The File Manager is used to administer all the files held in your account. Your File Manager page should look something like this.

Screenshots available if THIS color!
 How do I find the File Manager ?  Top

 What does the File Manager do ?  Top

The purpose for having a homepage/storage space is to enable others to view and sometime to use, your files. To achieve this your files (webpage, sound files or graphics/pictures) must be stored on a 'server' so that anyone wishing to have access can do so at any time. The Case's Ladder User Homepages site is such a place. :)

The File Manager allows you to control all the files held on your behalf with Case's Ladder User Homepages.

Your File Manager should look like this.

 A note on web addresses (URLs)  Top

All URLs are separated into three main areas. First, there is the protocol. This is not something that is going to be covered here, other than for the purpose of this guide. All you will ever need to remember is that all the files held on the site will start with https://

The second part of the URL is the 'server' location. This is

The last part is the Directory and filenames. The first directory or (Base Directory) will always be the same for each account (ex: cuffy).

The above example in full looks like:
This is your base directory, and will be the start to all your files held on the service. All files will have an 'extension' to the name (ex: art.html and register.wav) whereas directories do not.

By default the server is configured to display the file named index.html instead of a directory list, when no filename is specified. So what does this mean? Well, if we took the URL of - this does not link to a file but to the 'Directory' and therefore by default, it will look for a file named index.html in that directory and display if found. In otherwords, and will in fact link to the same place. Try it!

Directories are organized into a hierarchical structure that fans out like a the root system of a plant. Each directory can contain sub-directories; each of these can contain more sub-directories, and so on. Directories are separated by forward slashes and an example of this could be: - where the file 'help.html' is held in the 'folder2' directory which in turn is held in the 'folder1' directory all being part of the cuffy (base) directory. A graphical example could be as follows:

 What is this index.html file ?  Top

See the section on index above.

 What does 'Base Directory' mean ?  Top

In the section A note on web-addresses (URLs) we briefly covered 'directories'. The Base Directory is the highest level on the hierarchal structure that you can go.

 How do I create a new Directory ?  Top

From the File Manager, enter the name of the new directory required into the box "Create a new folder in the current directory" (Screenshot) and click  

 How do I change the directory in File Manager ?  Top

The list of all directories created will appear in the drop down box beneath "Select a directory". Simply press the arrow - highlight the directory required and click the button  

All files stored within the directory or sub-directories will be listed on the File Manager. Modifications to files can be made by selecting the file you wish to modify and clicking the operation buttons highlighted. (Screenshot)

 How do I use File Manager to get my files onto the User Homepages server? (Uploading)  Top

The process of transferring files from one location (your computer, for example) to the server is known as uploading. Therefore whenever we are talking about uploading this in most cases will be getting a copy of your file and saving in onto the User Homepages servers. The process of saving a file from a server to another location is known as 'downloading'.

The File Manager by default will have five boxes at the bottom with the button   alongside.

To upload a file, either enter the "full" location of where the file is stored (eg C:\Documents and Settings\cuffy\Desktop\help.html) or far simplier is to click the browse button and use the 'Choose file' box to locate the file on your computer. Highlighting the required file and clicking the 'open' button will transfer the details to the box. Once you have selected the file(s) you wish to upload clicking the     will transfer your files onto the server. Should you require to transfer more than five files at a time click the [ show ten uploads fields ].

You should now have succesfully uploaded the files (subject to permissible files and each file being no more than 1MB in size)

Case's Ladder User Homepage Guide - File Manager Top