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Posted by got_any_skillz (Ranked on Team Gin (Yahoo) Ladder) on December 11, 2004 at 13:29:17:

In Reply to: WELCOME TO TEAMS AND THE GAME SPECIFIC RULES... posted by Peachieee_247 (LadderOp) on December 07, 2004 at 19:08:55:

Hey teams and everyone else! This is John -the_speck aka gin_intelligent aka LJ or as Diane calls me "lil chit.

I have read all the GSR's and theres a topic id like to mention, which is UNMELDING/TOSSING GAMES. While this is classified as "nsportsmanship" like tacticsa let me ask u this.....

In real if u were to play teams and u had a huge cushion could u not knock with 10 knowing your opponent would cut u and it would save your team the win?

Or how about this.....In real life could u toss 1 of your 3 kings u were dealt to make sure when your opponent knocked or got gin ud be under the spread?

Or could u pass a card that u need or speck high cards such as kings, queens jacks to get so high u made sure u were under the spread.

Yes all of these things can be done in real life prior to the opponent laying down their melds with kncoking or gin. Wether it is considered unsportsmanship like or not in real life there are ways to toss a team gin game. Condsidering this i think unmelding should be allowed cause there are other ways to toss games to cover the spread.



: It is super to see the enthusiastic players on the ladder now!!

: Thank you all for your support and a special thank you to we_r_on_top (Topper)
: for his hard work in getting the ladder rolling again.

: Welcome back the seasoned team players like
: Marmin, teams precious gems, public enemy.

: With the ladder being new to most of the players here, your LadderOp team has been a bit lose in enforcing the Game Specific rules as to allow players get comfortable with the team format etc.

: With that being said.. we ask ALL team players to review the GAME SPECIFIC RULES as well as the general rules of this ladder.

: For now we ask the Top 2 ranked players pay close attention to the rule below

: **
: Top 5 teams must take games based on the number of games played with that team before rank.

: If several teams are making challenges which are making their first priority challenge, then the Challenged team must take ranks among the unplayed.

: Same with multiple challenges from secondary teams, and final games

: ***

: Meaning the Top 2 teams need to play all unplayed teams before playing any secondary games with any team that has been played.

: For now the current Game Specific Rules are what we have for our ladder. However, your Op Team wants to hear your opinion on how you feel about tossing the rules out or parts etc for new ones or maybe revised ones.

: Team Captains please email your players a copy of the GSRs or the URL for them to review.

: Best of luck with your games,

: Peachieee_247 and PE_Number_One
: LadderOp's
: Case's Ladder

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