We should all write to the powers that be...

We should all write to the powers that be...

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Posted by sugartoo1 (Ranked on Cribbage (WorldPlay) Ladder) on April 24, 2003 at 08:36:32:

one on one, not a mass writing of the same letter, but individual letters to wpsunset, and copy to AOL
I have just written the following and sent to both of them, although I have moved, I still think this site was the best graphic wise, maybe they will at least preserve that for another site or ISP provider.This is a copy of what I just sent to wpsunset regarding the closing of world play..... do yourself a favor and save some subscribers......

I would just like to say, I think its a darn shame that the best cribbage site on the next is going by the wayside. I have continued to pay for AOL just to access this site. You have had plenty of activity in these rooms and have chosen to let us leave and go to far more inferior sites. Why didnt you consider selling your graphics rights to another site rather than retire the site all together. Im sure with the ability to create the site you have created, the rest would have been less than a challange. Really sad you have no committment to the players who have made your site a hugh success. REally a shame AOL thinks POGO can compare!!! Hope that in some last minute of sanity you guys get it together and do something to save this great site, whether it be on another ISP or by another name. Anything to preserve the wonderful playing atmosphere.
Thanks for listening. I too will be letting my AOL go for another ISP provider, due to this loss.

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