Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: Ladder Account Questions

  • How do I remove myself from the Ladder? - Top

    To withdraw your Ladder account, click the "Withdraw" link found under the "Account" heading on the left-hand menu of your Ladder's page. Using this feature will immediately remove your Ladder account.

    Please note that we can't reinstate users that use this feature, so be SURE before you use it. You will also lose your Gold membership if you withdraw, so be careful (although Platinum and Diamond members will be able to still apply their membership to an additional Ladder aftern withdrawing from one Ladder.)

  • I can't find myself on the Ladder. What happened to my account? - Top

    There are several possibilities if you can't find your account on your Ladder.

    If you haven't played recently, it is likely you were removed for inactivity. Check the "Rules" of your Ladder on the left-hand menu on your Ladder's page to see how inactivity is handled on your Ladder. In general, you need to be playing at least once every three weeks in order to keep your account unless you are a premium member.

    If you have been playing recently, make sure you are searching on the right Ladder! We operate several Ladders for the same game to support multiple gaming services. Many people get confused and look for their account on the wrong one. You can be sure you're on the right Ladder by starting at our homepage and clicking on the "View the Leagues" link. Make sure you select the right gaming service when selecting the Ladder.

    If you still can't find your user please feel free to contact us for assistance via the "Support" link on the left-hand menu of your Ladder's page.

  • Can I rejoin the ladder if I was deleted or withdrew? - Top


  • Can I have more than one Ladder account? - Top

    You can have only one account per Ladder per person. You are allowed to join as many different Ladders as you would like.

    In other words it is okay to have an account on the Gin (Yahoo) and Spades (Flipside) Ladders but illegal to have two Gin (Yahoo) accounts. Our software regularly checks for duplicate accounts and we remove them if discovered.

  • Can my brother/friend/dog have an account on the Ladder also? - Top

    It is possible to have more than one user per household on the Ladder. There is only one stipulation: You cannot play Ladder matches against one another or report losses to one another or our software will detect that activity and all users from that household will be removed.

  • How do I get my password if I can't remember it? - Top

    If you forgot your password you can have it mailed to your e-mail address. To have your password sent out you just need to click the "Lost Password" link found under the "Account" heading on the left-hand menu of your Ladder's page.

    Your password will be mailed to the e-mail address we have on file for you. If you have changed e-mail addresses you will have to contact our staff via the "Support" link for help.

  • What happened to my streak? - Top

    If you do not play for three days, your streak is reset (yes, even a winning streak!)

  • Will I be removed if I don't play? - Top

    Yes, because we automatically remove anyone who has not played a match in three weeks (21 days) from the Ladder rankings. Each time you play a match this date is automatically reset.

    The only way to avoid being purged for inactivity after three weeks is to join our premium membership program. Information on these optional programs can be found here.


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