LadderOps are volunteers who are responsible for answering general customer support e-mails via our online Tech Support center and also for being a respected staff presence in chat. In the latter capacity, a LadderOp might be called on to help solve a dispute in chat or answer questions regarding rules, procedures, etc.
To submit a complaint about a LadderOp or a decision they have recently made, follow the CONTACT US link, found under the SUPPORT heading in the left-hand navigation menu on your Ladder's front page. From that page follow the OP COMPLAINT link to submit your information.
Each larger LadderOp team has one or more Ops who fill the role of LeadOp. LeadOps are responsible for keeping the team organized and being the main contact point between the team and SrStaff when necessary. They are essentially a team leader, although they are on the same level as LadderOps in the chain of command.
OpManagers are the next level in the customer support tier. They work as teams, and each OpManager team is responsible for supervising several Ladder's Op teams. If a LadderOp or LeadOp runs into a problem or situation requiring staff involvement they will contact their Op Manager for assistance.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer LadderOp on your Ladder, please fill out an application! You can find the LadderOp Application by clicking on SUPPORT in the left-hand navigation menu.